Dogma: The Greenie Cut – A Fan-Edited Masterpiece Completing Kevin Smith’s Vision

For fans of Kevin Smith’s cult classic Dogma, the release of Dogma: The Greenie Cut has been nothing short of a cinematic revelation. Edited by passionate fan and skilled editor Steve L. Greenfield, also known as “Greenie,” this version of the film incorporates deleted scenes, creating what would be considered the most complete and authentic version of *Dogma* ever released.  But what truly sets this cut apart is the approval and endorsement from Kevin Smith himself, solidifying his support that this is the definitive edition of the extended film. 

 The Origins of Dogma

Released in 1999, Dogma is a dark comedy that explores themes of faith, religion, and redemption through Smith’s signature blend of sharp humor and heartfelt storytelling. The film follows two fallen angels, played by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, as they attempt to re-enter Heaven by exploiting a loophole in Catholic dogma. However, their actions threaten to unravel the fabric of existence, prompting a motley crew of characters, including a last scion (Linda Fiorentino), a wisecracking 13th apostle (Chris Rock), and two unforeseen prophets (Jay and Silent Bob), to stop them.

 Upon its release, Dogma faced controversy and praise in equal measure, and it quickly became a fan favorite. However, due to studio constraints and runtime limitations, several scenes were left on the cutting room floor, leaving many fans yearning for a more complete version of the film. 

 The Birth of The Greenie Cut

 Enter Steve L. Greenfield, a die-hard Kevin Smith fan and self-proclaimed cinephile. Frustrated by the knowledge that key scenes were missing from the theatrical release, Greenie set out on a mission to restore Dogma to its full potential. Using his editing skills and access to deleted scenes, he painstakingly reassembled the film, integrating the lost footage seamlessly into the narrative. 

 The result is Dogma: The Greenie Cut, a version of the film that not only includes all the deleted scenes but also smooths over some of the rougher edges of the original cut. Greenie’s attention to detail and respect for Smith’s vision shine through, as the additional scenes enrich the story, deepen character development, and enhance the film’s thematic impact.

 Kevin Smith’s Seal of Approval

 What makes The Greenie Cut truly special, however, is the endorsement from Kevin Smith himself. praising Greenfield for his passion and skill and even offered to showcase it on his website, That Kevin Smith, where it can also be seen if you are paid member.  Smith’s endorsement has elevated The Greenie Cut from a fan project to a must-see version of Dogma for both casual viewers and hardcore fans alike.


Dogma: The Greenie Cut stands as a testament to the power of fandom and the enduring appeal of Kevin Smith’s work. By meticulously restoring the film to its fullest form, Steve L. Greenfield has not only given fans a more complete version of Dogma but also earned the admiration of the film’s creator.  The Greenie Cut proves that with passion, skill, and a little bit of faith, even the most ambitious fan project can become something truly special.

You can watch Dogma The Greenie Cut on Steve L. Greenfield’s YouTube channel or Roku Channel NGAGE

Be sure to comment and let Steve know what you think of his efforts.


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