
Showing posts with the label disinfectant

What's Your future Strategy for COVID? Do You Have one?

OK. We’ve survived the first wave. And it’s coming back for another try.. Yes, I’m talking about COVID. Personally, even though I live in what might be one of the better places on the planet for NOT getting infected, I reluctantly realised that it’s time I got serious about formulating a strategy. I’ve mentioned the use of H2 as a way of remaining healthy – and therefore less susceptible – and where I have to, I wear a mask. On a related note, we began planning our latest version of the UltraStream about a year ago, incorporating newly available NASA-developed filter technology that is NSF-tested to remove 99+% of viruses, bacteria and cysts, with no reduction in flow rate (meaning you don’t have wait for a glass of water!) As we promised, everyone with an Ultrastream will receive the VirusGuard technology when they order their next filter replacement, and anyone buying one new will have it in their brand new UltraStream. We never stop working on improving UltraStream. Maybe that’s why