
Showing posts with the label soleus

Heels up sugar down

All of the 600 muscles combined normally contribute only about 15% of the whole-body oxidative metabolism in the three hours after ingesting carbohydrate. Despite the fact that the soleus is only 1% the body weight, it is capable of raising its metabolic rate during Soleus push up’s   contractions to easily double, even sometimes triple, the whole-body carbohydrate oxidation and reduce blood sugar, triglycerides and VLDL. Soleus does not use glucagon uses blood glucose directly from the blood. Soleus does not get tired easily. 52% reduction in blood sugar 60% less insulin requirement Solids use glucose from the blood and doesn’t use the glucagon as other muscles. Soles push up increases that by two or three times the metabolic rate of the whole body. A University of Houston Texas paper published 2022. Solis push-ups Reducing blood sugar by 52% . Reducing insulin requirement by 60%. You can move this muscle while sitting, watching TV sitting in a chair or practically doing any other sid