
Showing posts with the label sleeping

How to Break Co Sleeping and Move Baby into a Room of their Own

There’s a reason why cosleeping has been one of the most-loved sleeping practices throughout history (and continues to be the bedtime norm for over 70% of children in the world!). Sleeping close to your baby gifts the whole family with better nights of rest, while promoting deep bonding during waking and sleeping hours.  But there inevitably comes a time in every co sleeping family’s journey when stopping co-sleeping seems like the right next step. And when that time comes, it can be difficult to know  how to break co sleeping  and move your baby to a room of their own without it causing baby (or you!) extra stress. Luckily, all you need to ease the transition from cosleeping is a little planning—and a little patience!  That’s why we’re breaking down some of our top tips for smoothing the transition from co sleeping to a room of baby’s own—so that you can help your baby feel comfortable in their new space, while taking all the stress out of stopping co-sleeping.  KNOW THAT THERE PROBAB

When is Co Sleeping Safe for my Baby?

For parents wondering when is co sleeping safe?, there are many factors that need to be considered.  Here’s the truth: there are many different sleep practices that often get grouped under the “co-sleeping” umbrella.  And while some—like enjoying the benefits of a bedside cosleeper—offer an ASTM, TÜV, and Confidence in Textiles certified-safe solution for helping baby catch some rest while sleeping by your side, other common “co sleeping” practices don’t offer the same safety guarantee.  “Bed sharing,” for instance, references the practice of inviting a baby into your own bed to sleep during the night. Though bed sharing is often considered one form of co-sleeping, there are key safety differences between the two.  BED SHARING: WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT SAFETY AND THE QUESTION  when is co sleeping safe ?  The American Academy of Pediatrics knows that keeping your baby close during the first year of their life carries a whole host of benefits (like making nighttime nursing a breeze a

How to Transition Your Baby from Co Sleeping to Crib

All co-sleeping families are familiar with the feeling—as much as you’ve enjoyed the many benefits co-sleeping has to offer, it just feels like the right time to encourage baby to move away from your side and into a space of their own.  And though you’re fully confident that the time to transition has come, you’re wondering how to transition baby from co sleeping to crib in the easiest and most stress-free way possible.  With the help of a few tips, tricks, and best practices, you can ease the transition for baby while making the experience worry-free for you.  CONSISTENCY IS KEY On the list of best practices for how to transition baby from co sleeping to crib being consistent takes the top spot.  It can be difficult (okay, not just difficult—impossible!) to think logically when you’re woken up at 2 am from a deep dream state.  But once you’ve put a plan for transition in place, it’s important to follow it. Keeping consistent will help baby feel more comfortable with the changes and ma

Is Co Sleeping Bad?

Co-sleeping has long been the preferred—and safe, as long as you choose the right method!—way for families around the world to assure that their babies are getting nurturing rest.  The kind of nurturing rest that uniquely supports baby’s healthy emotional and physical development while helping them feel close and comforted by those they love.  For thousands of years, parents have relied on safe co-sleeping as a necessary tool in their grow-baby-healthy-and-strong toolkit.  Let’s Start at the Beginning: What is Co-Sleeping? Co-sleeping is often the catch-all term that is used to describe the nurturing experience of sleeping with your baby within arm’s reach.  There are many ways to co-sleep, and co-sleeping will look a little different for every family that practices it.  Some of these co-sleeping methods are safer than others. In recent years, tools like bedside co sleepers have made it safe, easy, and stress-free to soak in all the benefits of co-sleeping. Though sleeping in separate

What Is Co Sleeping and How Do I Know if It’s Right for Us?

What is co sleeping? Co-sleeping is often used as a catch-all term to describe the experience of sleeping with your baby close by. Co-sleeping may look a little different for every family. Parents may lay their child in a safe bedside sleeper that attaches to the side of their own bed, or they might share a bedroom with their child but encourage baby to sleep in a separate crib. They might even sleep with their baby nestled up against them all through the night.  Though there are many ways to co sleep, some are far safer than others. ( Bedside sleepers , we’re looking at you and giving you a gold star!)  But all forms of co-sleeping have one thing in common: they’ve been the safe sleeping practice preferred by families throughout history.  Though parents in many modern Western countries have popularized separate bedrooms and detached cribs, for thousands of years going to sleep curled up near your newborn has been the norm.  In fact, parents from many different cultures have long under

5 Tips to Help Get Rid of Snoring for a Better Night’s Sleep

Get rid of snoring … You may be among the normal adults who snore, or you likely know of a person who occasionally does. We all know that every one of us snores at some time or the other… Read more... sleep help for adults