
Showing posts with the label marketing-advice

What’s your story?

30 days.  I want you to imagine that you have 30 days until you lose everything. Your house, your cars, your family… Everything.  That wasn't supposed to be me...  But it was.  I'm gonna tell you how I got there  (so you never have to).  In my 20’s they called me the “golden boy” because everything I touched turned to gold. At the time I was working in sales for a 50 year old plastic packaging company. I got an idea for a new division. I brought it to senior management. They said yes.  And we moved forward. I grew that division to 45 million in annual revenue in less than five years. From there, I became the CEO of the first digital portrait studio chain in the United States. When we brought it into franchising, things really started to take off. Before long, I became known as one of the young guns of franchising. We were growing… millions upon millions in revenue, ranked one of the top 15 hot franchises by Entrepreneur Magazine by year five. I had this formula for success all

Does Your Lead Magnet Check These Boxes?

The last two components I’ve outlined definitely pave the way to reach your ideal clients , but how do you successfully use your lead generation funnel as a vehicle that ultimately leads to a sale? (Notice how I emphasized "ultimately"? I will explain this a bit later) . My answer is always the same when it comes to any lead generation activity. It begins with Value Creation . When you lead with VALUE , you can never lose. Leading with value means doing what you can to add value to someone’s life before money ever exchanges hands. When you lead with value, your results are more consistent, predictable, and you create a bigger impact. Value creation allows you to successfully differentiate yourself from your competitors. You know as well as I do, your prospects have many options. Our world these days offers endless access to such a vast array of products and services (especially online) . And the more choices we have, the harder it is to make a decision. Where does that

The MOST Dangerous Number

As with most advice shared with you as a kid, rarely do you understand what it means until later in life… One I heard more than a few times growing up was,  “Don’t put all your eggs in ONE basket.”    As a kid, my mother used this proverb when she’d see me spending time with only one or two of the same friends.  Or when it came to college applications, and my decision to only apply to the University of Florida as a transfer student,  (as that was my dream school) .  Thankfully I got in, but what devastation I would have felt  (she realized this as well)  if I  wouldn’t  have been accepted. Waiting another semester before applying to any school would have been my only option, as I had already decided not to return to Rochester Institute of Technology.  After college, when I started in sales, my managers would heed this same warning when it came to clients.  ONE is dangerous.  If you’ve ever read anything by Dan Kennedy, or had the opportunity to hear him speak, you may have heard him sa