
Showing posts with the label mindfulness

Meditación Samatha

Meditar no siempre es fácil, especialmente al inicio, pues requiere disciplina y práctica para su perfección. Por tanto, requiere entrenamiento, pero a la larga sus beneficios para la salud son numerosos. En el mundo acelerado en el que vivimos, muchas personas encuentran en la meditación una forma de conectar de nuevo con ellos mismos, lejos de la cultura occidental, donde el consumo y los valores materialistas rigen la vida de la gran mayoría de ciudadanos. La meditación es una manera de recuperar la esencia de uno mismo y lograr la paz interior. Cuando nos adentramos en el mundo de la meditación descubrimos que es muy amplio. Existen muchos tipos de meditación, desde la calma mental hasta la meditación basada en el amor y la compasión. Para aquietar la mente lo ideal es practicar una meditación llamada Samatha, que significa, calma mental. De hecho, el mindfulness nace de la meditación Samatha. La meditación Samatha es la que practicaba Buda, es una introducción hacia la meditación

Music With Beautiful Breathtaking Views for Meditation

Music with Beautiful Breathtaking Views for Meditation Use this music to escape from the craziness of the moment. This music and beautiful breathtaking views will help you to relax and calm down to focus on your tasks and life.   Guided Meditation Regular meditation has been scientifically proven to enhance relaxation, overall health, and wellbeing. Meditation and hypnosis are safe and natural. A higher level of consciousness and awareness can be realized when we are able to alleviate our minds and listen to our profound truth. You may find the solutions to many current personal problems and issues if you simply take the time to ask your inner self for a new direction. Change your Beliefs and Past Conditioning for better Confidence, Abundance, Wisdom, and inner Self-Worth Affirmation. This Mindful Guided meditation is a simple mindfulness practice that can help you change your relationship to this very strong and sometimes overwhelming emotion. Meditation isn’t used to get rid of grief

Guided Meditation Compassion For Your Whole Body

Guided Meditation Compassion For Your Whole Body According to some statistics, 80% of women feel dissatisfied with their bodies. Fifty percent are on weight-loss diets. An estimated one in three of all dieters develops compulsive dieting attitudes and behaviors. Of these, one quarter will develop full or partial eating disorders. The lives and happiness of the many women who live with these negative body images are often limited, hindering them from being able to see their inner and outer beauty and enjoy life to its fullest potential. The struggle these women endure is a great price to pay. Remember, you need to either say or listen to these positive self-talk statements daily (minimum twice per day) for a period of 30 days in order for these affirmations to override your existing programming in your subconscious mind. The background music is Real Horst Tibetan Singing Bowl Moon nodes with Binaural - Beats. Guided Meditation Regular meditation has been scientifically proven to enhance

Mindfulness - An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World

Mindfulness - An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World by  Mark Williams  (Author),  Danny Penman  (Author),  Jon Kabat-Zinn  (Foreword) THE LIFE-CHANGING INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER.   MINDFULNESS reveals a set of simple yet powerful practices that you can incorporate into daily life to help break the cycle of anxiety, stress, unhappiness, and exhaustion. It promotes the kind of happiness and peace that gets into your bones. It seeps into everything you do and helps you meet the worst that life throws at you with new courage. The book is based on Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). MBCT revolves around a straightforward form of mindfulness meditation which takes just a few minutes a day for the full benefits to be revealed. MBCT has been clinically proven to be at least as effective as drugs for depression and is widely recommended by US physicians and the UK's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence - in other words, it works. More importantly, i