
Showing posts with the label equine

Why use an Equine Massage Gun on a horse?

An equine massage gun can be used to treat many different aliments in horses. Massage gun therapy can also be part of a routine maintenance plan for your equine.  One of the most essential therapies is equine massage therapy, another good recommendation is doing Troy Brandenburg’s Common Sense Stretches before and after activity. The equine massage gun is a powerful tool for building trust and relieving the anxiety that a lot of horses may experience. From pleasure horses to high-powered competition horses can all need the therapeutic massage. The massaging can calm the horse's nerves and help them adjust quickly to a new environment, especially if they are always involved in high-stress situations. The massage gun is not just for horses but can be used on horse riders who are seeking physiotherapy to improve their flexibility, pain relief, or to generally enhance their riding skills. After trying Brandenburg Equine's Percussion Equine Massage Gun, you will wonder h

Equine Cold Laser Therapy LLLT – How to use a cold laser on horses

Cold laser therapy for equines has the benefits of traditional pain relief methods but without many of the drawbacks associated with alternative forms of equine pain relief and wound care. We answer the most common questions on cold laser therapy for horses below. First we would like to cover the basics and basic cold laser information. 1. WEAR PROTECTIVE EYE-WEAR: Always wear protective eye wear when using any class laser! You should wear Safety Glasses approved for the 800nm-1100nm range. Safety glasses rated in this range can be found at various stores online. Make sure you are purchasing certified/approved safety glasses. No matter what class laser, even pointer pen lasers - NEVER look directly into any laser, point it at or near human or animals eyes. 2. DO NOT USE COLD LASERS IF : Cold lasers, or LLLT, are not recommended for cancerous areas or where cancer was removed. Like any other equipment, LLLT should never be used to treat eyes unless it is being done so by a