
Showing posts with the label SpanishCaribbeanWars

The Impact of The Spanish Influence in the Caribbean

The Spanish wars in the Caribbean and South America changed history for everyone in the region. It is not apparent to those in Barbados and other Caribbean islands, which were forever changed by the Spanish occupation and the decades of wars with the British, French, and Dutch. 
The Spanish wars also had long-lasting political and economic impacts on the area, as the triumphant European powers developed colonies and laid claim to land, resources, and people. The tradition of manifest destiny and imperialism can still be felt in the Caribbean and South America today, as numerous countries struggle with problems such as hardship, inequality, and political instability. Spain's involvement in the war diverted British resources far from North America, as the British were forced to defend their colonies in the Caribbean versus Spanish attacks. This diversion of resources damaged the British position in North America, making it simpler for the American rebels to secure their self-rel