
Showing posts with the label soundbathmusic

Sound Healing Music: Canada Based Throat Singer Featured In Dr Joe Dispenza’s Meditation Programs

Dr. Joe Dispenza has worked with some of the top sound healing and meditation music artists in the world, including Grammy award winners Barry Goldstein and Jonathan Goldman. A global leader in self improvement and healing through meditation, Dispenza has a new “secret weapon” to enhance his guided meditations: Canada based “Cosmic Throat Singer” Matthew Kocel. “Matthew Kocel’s music is so primal, so rich and beautifully soulful…” Dispenza says, “It touches us on a deep level that opens our hearts.” Participants at Dispenza’s meditation retreats have been feasting on Matthew Kocel’s music since 2016. Recently Dispenza signed a licensing agreement to deploy Kocel’s songs “Grace” and “Labyrinth” for his recorded meditation programs. Kocel is currently composing new works to enhance Dispenza’s healing meditations. As yet undiscovered by music industry insiders and mainstream media, Matthew Kocel has been serenading audiences around the world over the last two decades.