
Showing posts with the label monetization

Marketing…. A Key Lever In Monetization

What does effective marketing do?  It helps you put your concept, product, service, or offering in front of your ideal or target audience.  If it is great marketing, they will be compelled to engage with you and listen to what you have to say. So, you should Always Be Marketing if you want to monetize more effectively. Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? “ALWAYS BE CLOSING” This is a little variation of the sales adage “ Always Be Closing, ” but selling and marketing are a little different. It’s amazing how many business owners refuse to do any type of consistent marketing or advertising! They mistakenly believe that they should only market when they need a quick influx of cash. And they often believe that they can only market when the economy is good or they are flush in cash.  Think about it: in tough times, what do businesses often cut first?   Yes, marketing and advertising gets slashed, when, in fact, that is the last thing that should be stopped. Henry Ford once said, “A man who stops ad