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Learn Blues Guitar Book Of History For Insights To The Blues

Blues is one of the most soulful forms of music and you should learn blues guitar book of history of which there are many. Blues is very heartfelt and does not involve the rigidities of classical music or the showiness of the metal, rock and pop genres of music. So, before you start learning blues guitar, you need to appreciate the genre and be acquainted with its various subtleties. In the initial years, that is, in the second and the third decade of the 20th century, the blues guitar was pioneered by the likes of Robert Johnson and Blind Lemon Jefferson     These blues men were solitary musicians who played as their heart desired. Even the repeat performances of the same artist varied from each other. The emphasis was greatly on slide guitar techniques. But with the 1940s and 50s blues guitar became a part of the entire band ensemble. Blues music in general moved out of its immediate country setting and began to spread in whole of United States and beyond. The unaffected music of th