
Showing posts with the label tomato

5 Signs of Overwatered Tomato Plants – And How To Save Them

Have you been caring for your tomato plants only to find that they appear a little wilted and unhealthy? Maybe the leaves are yellowing. If so, you may have accidentally over watered your tomato plants. There’s no need to panic though, as this is a common problem every new gardener will face in their gardening journey. Luckily, there’s always a way that you can save your tomato plants and help prevent this from happening again in the future. So What Are The Signs of Overwatered Tomato Plants? The most common  signs of overwatered tomato plants  may include the yellowing of leaves, as well as cracked fruit and bumps on the lower leaves. If you notice these problems with your tomato plants and continue to overwater them. Other problems may occur like root rot, which if not treated will eventually kill off your tomato plant completely. Symptoms of Overwatered Tomato Plants If you haven’t noticed the problems mentioned above, but still believe you may have overwatered your tomato plants. t

Are eggshells good for tomato plants?

Growing tomato plants can often be one of the most rewarding plants to grow in your garden. From the bright red color of the tomatoes to its amazing flavors. However, sometimes our plants don’t turn out the way we had hoped from. Unfortunately for us, tomato plants are highly susceptible to a common disease called blossom rot. This is where the magic of using crushed eggshells comes in.. So whether you’re having problems with your tomato plants and have noticed the leaves dying or brown tinting on the leaves? Or you would just like to give your plants a boost and add some extra natural nutrients. Using crushed eggshells could be worth a try because of the benefits it provides. So Are eggshells good for tomato plants ?   Yes. There are numerous benefits of using eggshells on your tomato plants. Eggshells contain various nutrients including calcium, which is proven to help promote healthy growth in tomato plants. As well as preventing diseases such as blossom end rot. It’s also a great n