
Showing posts with the label bassinet

From Bedside Sleeper to Baby Bassinet

Your baby has been sleeping peacefully in their babybay bedside sleeper but now you – Mom – are ready to find a new use for your sleeper. You’d love to use your sleeper and turn it into a freestanding  baby bassinet . This may become an enclosed space for your darling little one to simply hang out near you, or nap nearby, during the day or evening. Well, you can have this, if you already have a bedside sleeper. Our wooden guard rail is all you need to keep your baby purring happily near you. We call it the Bassinet Conversion Kit, and you can order it separately as an accessory to your babybay bedside sleeper. When you’re ready to make this move, it’s simple to convert your babybay bedside sleeper into a baby bassinet. Simply order our bassinet conversion kit to convert your babybay from a bedside sleeper to a standalone  baby bassinet . The protective wooden guard rail fits onto the open side of your bedside sleeper. It uses wooden locking clips, so it’s able to withstand any holding