
Showing posts with the label Covid

Un tissu imprégné de cuivre peut-il détruire le coronavirus?

Copper Clothing Limited ( vetementscuivre , distributeur en France) est une entreprise qui incorpore des formulations antimicrobiennes de cuivre dans des tissus, tels que des lits, des draps, des chaussettes, des masques, des gants, des pyjamas, etc., et les vend aux consommateurs. En 2014, il a financé des recherches pour tester l’efficacité de l’activité viricide du tissu de cuivre sur le coronavirus bovin. Le test a été réalisé par un laboratoire viral spécialisé de l’Institut d’hygiène et de microbiologie du Dr Brill + Partner GmbH. L’activité viricide du matériau traité a été évaluée en comparant l’activité viricide du matériau non traité. L’étude a révélé que le tissu imprégné de cuivre peut lutter efficacement contre le virus et le détruire.   En résumé, la différence observée entre les matériaux testés est basée sur le processus d’inactivation durant le processus de séchage de 10 minutes (facteur de réduction de 3,94 log du cu

What's Your future Strategy for COVID? Do You Have one?

OK. We’ve survived the first wave. And it’s coming back for another try.. Yes, I’m talking about COVID. Personally, even though I live in what might be one of the better places on the planet for NOT getting infected, I reluctantly realised that it’s time I got serious about formulating a strategy. I’ve mentioned the use of H2 as a way of remaining healthy – and therefore less susceptible – and where I have to, I wear a mask. On a related note, we began planning our latest version of the UltraStream about a year ago, incorporating newly available NASA-developed filter technology that is NSF-tested to remove 99+% of viruses, bacteria and cysts, with no reduction in flow rate (meaning you don’t have wait for a glass of water!) As we promised, everyone with an Ultrastream will receive the VirusGuard technology when they order their next filter replacement, and anyone buying one new will have it in their brand new UltraStream. We never stop working on improving UltraStream. Maybe that’s why

Here’s What You Need to Know if COVID-19 is Affecting Your Wedding Plans

No matter how much you’ve planned for your wedding, no one could have planned for COVID-19 and the impact it would have on spring weddings around the world. If the conversation of postponing your wedding plans has come up (or is inevitably fast approaching) here are a few of the most important topics to discuss with your partner and how to plan accordingly. Keeping or changing your wedding date With quarantining, shut downs, and social distancing in full swing chances are that the decision to postpone your wedding may have already been made for you based on venue closures and government policies surrounding gatherings of certain sizes. Every day is changing and we don’t have a crystal ball to see into the future so if your date is on the horizon and you aren’t sure when to start thinking about postponing, contact your vendors and see where they’re at in the rescheduling process. Vendors are most commonly rescheduling in chronological order. For example, if your wedding is in late