
Showing posts with the label ant

Watch Out Carpenter Ants Are Swarming Ants!

Ant season is back in full swing, and they’re bound to be all over your home and lawn. Ants are one problem, but carpenter ants are a very different issue. They can do thousands of dollars in property damage, and if you’re not crazy about the idea of your property being infested by thousands of little pests, here are some tips that can help you eliminate the swarms you might see this spring. Identifying a Carpenter Ant Carpenter ants are one of the larger species of ants. They can grow up to half an inch long, and their segmented bodies have three distinct sections. They’re usually dark red or black in color, and queen carpenter ants have wings. They like to make their homes in moist or decayed wood, and you can often find them behind bathroom tiles, in your insulation, or even under your roofing. The easiest way to tell if you have a carpenter ant nest in your home is if you start to notice small divots or notches in the wood of your home or furniture. Carpenter ants eat and build the

Every Season is Ant Control Season!

You might think that most household pests die off in the winter. Unfortunately, that’s not always true- and especially for ants. It turns out that winter is just as much a time for ant infestations as every other season is- and if you want to keep yourself, your property, and your family safe, it’s time to look for some ant control, prevention and removal specialists. Noticing Ants In the US, ants are a relatively common insect. There are several different varieties, but all of them can be boiled down to one description. Ants are typically small insects, getting about 1/4th of an inch long at most. They have black or brown bodies divided into three segments, six legs, and antennae. Some types have pincers, as well, and can bite. When there are ants about, you’ll typically notice their small, pyramidal burrows and disturbed dirt in driveways or sidewalks. Ants are known for spreading diseases like dysentery, so they’re definitely not a pest you want in your home. Ant Prevention There ar