
Showing posts with the label airsurfacepro

Active Pure Technology Promises To Clean Your Direct Environment From All Harmful Toxins

Vollara has been advancing their technology for providing the best quality air inside any facility for the last 11 years. “ They have brought the best air purification system to us today to help us fight COVID-19 and the new strains of this virus right in our homes and businesses to protect every living and breathing soul” states Marketing Manager Harlton Stone of Healthy Home Solutions.  Joe Urso Active Pure Chairman/CEO states “ FDA Approval (for our devices) is important because the clearance gives assurances to people that you’re bringing Medical Grade Protection to everyday places like businesses, schools and homes.” The Active Pure Technology is the technology behind the Vollara Air & Surface Pro that helps fight all air-borne pathogens in your home and any direct space you are in.  “The air that you breathe in any space right now should be free of all contaminants and harmful pathogens, you and your family, your employees and customers should be given a safe space to enter.”