
Showing posts with the label HowtoSell

Selling Magic: How to Make 'em Beg to Buy from You

Travis Sago ’s Coffee Date Mojo presents a mindset shift and practical strategies for engaging potential clients in a way that positions you as a strategic investor rather than a service provider. The central premise is that, rather than hoping a client will hire you, you’re an investor seeking opportunities with the right conditions to maximize upside with minimal risk. Have clients pre-sold on working with you before ever talking to them: ** The FRAME: Investor, Not Service Provider The fundamental framework is about flipping the traditional service-provider mindset. Instead of approaching potential clients with the hope they will choose you, Sago advocates seeing yourself as an investor evaluating whether they are worth your time and resources. The aim is to find opportunities with substantial potential gains and low risks. This shift sets the tone for every conversation, meeting, and decision. Preparation Before the Coffee Date Before