Rule of 7 for Successful Marketing: Do this and it will be HARD to fail…

How many times have you found yourself singing along to the infamous "800-588-2300 EMPIRE!" jingle whenever it comes on TV?


…Or what about the classic 1-877-KARS-4-KIDS commercial that gets stuck in your head for hours? (My son used to get mad every time I sang this one :D)


Truth is, companies like these don’t just “randomly” come up with super catchy jingles that get ingrained in your brain.

Their marketing teams scripted them with a purpose, implementing a strategy called ‘The Rule of Seven’, which states that a potential customer needs to see or hear your marketing message at least seven times before they make a purchase decision.

Think about it…

The first time you heard the 🎶 "Liberty Liberty Liberty… Liberty" 🎶 commercial by Liberty Mutual, you probably thought nothing of it.

The second time? Maybe it caught a bit of your attention.

However, by the third time, you found yourself inadvertently humming along. And after the seventh exposure? You're not just singing along; you know exactly what they’re selling (in this case insurance), and their brand is now living in your head rent-free.

Now, this rule isn't a new invention of the modern marketing world; it's deeply rooted in human psychology and behavior.

The more we're exposed to a message, the more familiar and comfortable we become with it, eventually leading to trust and action.

In fact, the number seven holds significant meaning not only in marketing but also in the ancient wisdom contained in the Tanach (Hebrew Bible). In biblical terms, seven often symbolizes completeness or perfection, such as in the seven days of creation.

In the Book of Genesis, G-d states that he created the world in six days, each day bringing forth different elements - Light, sky, land, seas, plants, animals…and finally humans. On the seventh day, G-d rests, marking the completion of creation.

Just as each day in the creation story adds a layer to the unfolding world, each part of your company’s marketing message should build upon the last, creating a lasting impression and impact in the mind of your audience.

The problem?

Many Entrepreneurs feel discouraged when they blast out an email or other marketing message once or twice and see no immediate results.

They invest time, effort, and resources into crafting a PERFECT message… Only to be met with crickets.

They start questioning everything: Is my product not good enough? Am I targeting the wrong audience? Why aren't people responding? 😰

This frustration is even WORSE in today's fast-paced world, where instant gratification is the norm.

But here's the hard truth: In marketing, you’ll rarely experience instant success. It's a marathon, not a sprint, and marketing requires patience, persistence, continuous testing, and a deep understanding of human behavior.

This is why we have:

  • Relationship builder series
  • Retargeting campaigns
  • Follow-up sequences
  • Content calendars
  • …Etc.

In Jewish tradition, during weddings, we recite Sheva Brachot—Seven Blessings. These blessings reflect hope, joy, and gratitude, each adding to the collective celebration and symbolizing the building of a new life together.

Similarly, in your marketing, each message should be a blessing to your audience, offering value, solutions to their problems, or even a moment of joy.

And just like these blessings, your messages will accumulate over time, building trust and rapport with your prospects.

So, when you find yourself frustrated by the lack of immediate response to your marketing efforts, remember the Rule of Seven.

Think back to the seven days of creation in the Bible.

If G-d, in His infinite wisdom, allocated seven days to accomplish something as monumental as the creation of planet Earth, it's a clear indication that some things simply cannot be rushed.

Successful marketing campaigns require time, planning, and a steady, consistent approach to truly come to fruition.

Clickfunnels Expert


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