Dating Tips - How to spot the wrong man for you?

I wish I'd known these rules when I started dating 25 years ago!
It would have saved me so many tears and heart breaks from dating wrong guys! And I would have saved so much time healing from break ups and heart pains that I could have invested in much more interesting things then crying for a not matching guy!

The 6 warning signs exist to help you keep wrong men far from you. Each time a man passes the selection of a "filter", he gets closer to you and from entering your life, heart, body, and soul. When he succeeds in passing a filter, he is then facing the next filter, which let him get closer and so on. If he passes the last filter, he has the right to really enter your life, and body!!!

In this dating book, I will explain to you how to keep the wrong men from entering your life - an essential knowledge to achieve the desired outcome of finding the man of your dreams while dating men.

These 6 vital dating advises will only serve you well, however, after you have first connected with your true self, when you know who you really are and what you really want. That is, after having let go of your childhood’s conditioned programming and of negative influence. This is the very process I will lead you through in detail in my coming second Practical Guide "In Love" to be published in the coming months.

But in the meantime, know that you should be doing all you can to know yourself better, to identify your inner desires and dreams, to let go of your past and to redefine the man of your dreams, and all this from a freed adult and mature point of view! Sound too much to ask?!

Don’t worry, it really is far simpler that it sounds and you may even enjoy the process. Many of my clients do and leave feeling truly liberated and full of new vitality and enthusiasm for what lies ahead.

In the meantime, the following content will definitely already change a lot about the way you approach dating, men and love and will for sure keep the wrong men away from you which is a great start. The next step will be to be able to recognize the right one 



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